Wednesday, September 09, 2009

My NOKIA experience

For most of you, who are reading my blog it isn’t a news that I started to work for NOKIA and it has been already more than a month since I started. The way I entered the company maybe isn’t smth incredible for an active aiesecer whom the alumnus “notice” on the right time and offer the right professional opportunity. Yes, one of AIESEC Almaty alumnus who has been like me an LCP around 10 years ago offered me the position at NOKIA. In Almaty it’s represented as head-quarter for Central Asia, Caucasus and Mongolia countries and I’m doing marketing together with alumni, who is Head of Marketing. Even we are responsible for 9 countries, we have only 11 people working in our office, so you can imagine that my responsibilities are quite on the high-level. Well, for now I’m in the process of integration still, but doing I think quite well…

As you see I’m working in Marketing area and my role is Retail and Customer Marketing management, which is a very new role for me, as I graduated my bachelor in Financial management. New role, despite my some marketing working experience in Saatchi&Saatchi ads company several years ago, 5 years of AIESEC experience which as I see very much correlated meaning the soft mngmt, like project mngmt etc. and my financial risk management experience in PMK.

Like a student I’m learning a lot about marketing in technology company, positioning of its products – mobile phones and new services, relations with ads and media companies, communications with various audiences, merchandising as well, being up to date on hi-tech news and tons of other things which surprise me a lot every day. Like a newie in this business I seem very naïve and sometimes ask silly questions, which make my boss smile :D

And I love this feeling of learning and getting to know absolutely new things. For now I see that the skills which I gained in AIESEC do help me a lot in the matter of:

· understanding quite quickly the main dimensions of business in NOKIA in different markets we operate;

· adopting very well to new working environment and communication with various people;

· not being afraid to start and to be responsible for absolutely new things;

· having the general professional attitude towards things like projects preparation, presentations etc.

And sure, the BIG LOVE towards things you are doing, company and it’s products that I’ve been loyal to myself for many years. I got used to that in AIESEC – work for the things you love and this way every day and week pass very fast.

That’s the best thing happening to me I could imagine after my MC in Estonia year… Really.

Yes and I have travels to our regions too! :) I’ve been in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan already which are the neighbors of KZ, but somehow I’ve never been there. And this week – Georgia and Armenia and again Uzbekistan! :)

But I’m still in the process of understanding what I’d like to do parallel – I have some thoughts on volunteering again (not connected to AIESEC) and as well about my next steps, as my role is until April 2010 – AIESEC internship after that is very preferred and then what – Master abroad? Well, I’m already afraid of creating the plans, as you never know what future’ll bring you… Like for me, who planned to go abroad right away after MC in Estonia and then dropped from the perspective AIESEC internship in Kraft Foods ‘cause of NOKIA offer.

Stay tuned.