Friday, August 22, 2008


Well, let me tell you where I am now, for those who don’t know that… Since the middle of the last week I am in the country where some of you are dreaming to be, the country with the huge cultural history behind it, one of the biggest country and developing region of the world, totally another continent – I’m in BRAZIL.

I have arrived here with my entire MC AIESEC Estonia team for AIESEC International Congress, the hugest conference ever in our organization which is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. It’s expected to be the richest and flashy celebration of success of our organization since it was established in 1948 after the II WW, capitalizing on what was achieved and what impact brings AIESEC to country communities until now.

Before the conference started we have attended the study tour from LC Goiania to the region of Brazil called Goias, here are some pictures from the tour.

After that we had 3 days of conference pre-meeting, where it was a great pleasure for me to meet again certain AIESEC friends and chat with them on what’s going on with their lives, as well as share about my feelings being in international MC. Until now feeling like a happy puppy to be here :)

Some postings with photos will be coming soon,

Friday, August 01, 2008

Somehow I have subscribed to Robin Sharma's newsletter and now getting it directly to my e-mail periodically. That's one of the lastest and very simple posts, but might be helpful in one day... even today...


Hi Aigerim,

Life is a balance. A balance between performing at your best and enjoying the journey. Yes, presenting your best self to the world is critical to a life well lived. Yet, joy matters too. There is no point in getting to the top of your mountain and realizing that you missed out on the journey. 

Taking time off and rejuvenating keeps you fresh. A long lunch with a friend inspires you. Going to the zoo with a kid changes your perspective. Sitting quietly on the porch sipping a coffee lets you pull back from the noise. And they become moments that you'll look back on. 

Without breaks your well quickly runs dry. Your energy dwindles. Your dreams are no longer as inspiring. Cycling back and forth between regeneration and work keeps you energized and fresh. (Of course, you know that you can spend too much time in rejuvenation. It's a balance.) 

Do you know what charges your batteries? Is it being in nature? Is it travel? Is it time with friends and family? Whatever it is, make time for it this summer. 

Rejuvenation Tips:

Stop Doing Something
One way to open up to rejuvenation is to stop doing things that aren't working. Finish a project, clean out your files, hire a kid to mow your lawn. Once you remove the things you are tolerating you have more time for simple joy. 

Time with Friends
It doesn't have to be structured and you don't have to talk about anything important (or anything at all). Just do something you enjoy doing together. 

Go For a Walk
Walk through your neighborhood with no goal. Notice the sights and smells. Walk slowly. 

Give Yourself a Day Off
Allow yourself to totally let go of work. Forget about errands or to-dos for a day. 

Go on a road trip. Check out a new city. Try a different restaurant. Anything new and different will invigorate you. 
In Leadership,

Robin Sharma